Motivation, where you at??

Today I was having a hard time finding the motivation to get up and run. It was a gloomy day, rainy and lazy, and all I wanted to do way stay inside and watch movies on my laptop.

Knowing I had 12.9km scheduled, and that I had to get out there some way or another. I created this list of 22 (one for each year I've been on this beautiful planet) to convince myself of the great reasons to exercise:

1. You will feel great afterwards
2. Your stress will be decreased
3. To feel that sense of accomplishment all day
4. To improve digestion
5. To maintain and improve your health
6. To be a positive influence for others
7. To be much more productive after
8. It increases your focus
9. It will help strengthen your bones
10. It will help prevent muscle loss
11. It will increase your self esteem
12. It will bring you closer to your goals
13. It will help prevent cardiovascular disease 
14. It helps fight depression
15. It will help relieve headaches and female cramps
16. To look great in that swimsuit
17. To increase your energy
18. To maintain and improve flexibility
19. To slow down aging
20. To help sleep better and be more relaxed
21. To increase your metabolism and burn even more fat
22. To survive any potential zombie apocalypse (can never be too prepared)

And now I go, off to run! 
Stay motivated friends,
The Rural Runner
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