Things I learned while biking

Yesterday, for my cross training day, I decided to borrow my moms bike and hit the trails. It's been a couple years since I've been on any form of a bicycle, besides a stationary one, so let's be honest, I was kinda nervous...
And apparently excited, as you can see in this picture haha. (Ps, safety first kids!!)

The tires were flat so mom helped me pump them up!

I was a bit wobbly at first.. And a bit too small for the bike (#shortgirlprobs).. But after a short circle around the yard I got the hang of it! Totally understand the saying "just like riding a bike again" now, because I guess once you've got it, you don't really lose it.

I set out onto the old railway tracks (where I always do my runs too), which are relatively straight and flat, making for a very smooth ride. It took me a bit to get a hang of the gears and whatnot, but once I did, I was cruisin.
Also.. Thanks to my sis for the Nike leggings as a belated bday gift.. I love them! So comfy :)

I decided to aim for 10k (honestly had no idea how long this would take me.. I'm a biking noob).
Not sure how good these stats are, but considering that it's my first ride in about 2-3 years, I'm happy with the results! (I didn't start tracking until about a kilometre in)

While I was on the trail by myself, for almost an hour, I spent a lot of time thinking, and I've come up with a list of things I learned while biking.

Here we go:
1. Biking is a lot harder than it looks.
Seriously.. My legs = noodles today.
Not even 5 minutes in and I was already a sweaty hot mess. Yup. Great workout though! My calves and legs will probably be throbbing for a couple days.. Thanks to DOMS.. (Not).

2. Being outside is great
I used to do bodybuilding competitions, and can honestly say I spent hours in the gym on any given week and being outside in nature biking made me realize just how amazing it is. I would literally go to the gym, just to sit on a stationary bike, or run to no where on the mouse wheel called a treadmill. This seems ridiculous now, considering I could have been doing the exact same thing.. Except while actually experiencing life and breathing fresh air outside. (Not hating on any bodybuilders out there, the lifestyle just isn't for me anymore.)

3. Being outside is free
Nature has no membership fee.
All you need is a pair of shoes (well maybe a bike too), and a positive attitude! 

4. Biking seriously hurts your ass
No really.. I'm still sore. Like who thought that it was a good idea to invent seats that are literally a third of the size of an average humans butt?! Crazy. It's uncomfortable. I'm going to install some memory foam.. Or a lazy-boy.. or something on there. #bigbootyprobs
Again, legs = jello.

5. Biking is kinda scary
Like the were points I actually scared myself because I thought I was going so fast. I'm a wimp.

And also, biking near cars that don't care about bikers is literally the same as having a death wish. SRSLY people, share the road! Not like we're allowed on sidewalks, so suck it up and move over.
It's pretty bad I've only biked for 1 day and already think this is a problem.

6. I was not prepared
You would think being in the army I would have the ability to plan ahead and pack accordingly.. Nope.
I lack this skill. At least I brought water.. Next time I definitely need lip balm, gloves, snacks, and probably less clothes. Like I said, biking is hard work. #sweatlife

7. Biking is fun
Sure, I was sweating my ass off (gotta love a good workout though!), and I'm complaining about near death car experiences, and how my body hurts.. But holy moly did I have fun! What a great feeling, flying through the trails, wind blowing in my hair and sun shining on my face. I'll definitely be biking more often on rest/cross training days.

It's not too often that you capture a picture of pure happiness like this one.

If anyone who is actually a biker wants to give me tips, I would welcome it! Like, how do I figure out what gear to use? I was kinda just playing with them until one felt moderately right.. Opps (this is pretty sad considering I can drive my stick shift like a dream).

What do you like about biking? What do you bring with you on long rides?

Keep training friends,
The Rural Runner

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