Half Marathon Training - Week 2

As some of you may know, I'm currently training for my second half marathon. I'll be racing the hypothermic half in Halifax, January 17, 2016. I started my training 12 weeks before the race, and am currently on week 2. Not going to lie, week one was actually somewhat of a struggle. I had typically been running about 3 times a week and amping that up to 5-6x a week proved to be much harder than I imagined. I was feeling it at the end of the week. However, I took my rest day on Sunday and just like magic, felt amazing for my 8.05km run today.
Sometimes I stop to enjoy the beautiful country view! And take a selfie..

The pace was easy for about 5km, with the final part at a faster pace. My legs felt great and overall it was a wonderful run. Even after only a week, I am noticing a significant increase in the amount of time I can run without having to slow to a walk, which makes me super excited! Even managed to do some obstacle training during my run (can never be too prepared for the Miami Spartan races in December)!
Yes.. I use farm fences as obstacles.
Tuesday, tomorrow, is 9.65km. Starting with a 1.6km warmup followed by a 4.8km fartlek with 4 minutes faster and 1 minute slower pace, and finishing with that last 3.2km as a light cool down. This is different from last weeks fartlek, which was 3 minutes faster pace and 2 minutes at a slower pace.
Wednesday's run repeats the run from Monday (8.05km at an easy comfortable pace). 
Thursday is different this week, it's not cross training, but instead am easy 4.8km run to get some distance for the week and build a base, as the kilometres will be increasing next week.
Friday's run is 6.4km, 4.8 at an easy pace and the final 1.6km at a faster pace.
Saturday is a 12.9km run (same distance as last weeks longer run). The pace is easy, with it maintained throughout the run.
Sunday is scheduled for rest day.
However, since I have a race on Sunday, I will be switching around the schedule a little bit. The long 12.9 kilometre run will take place for me on Friday, followed by rest day Saturday (for the day before the race), and switch the original 6.4 km run from Friday to Sunday. This works out well because the race is 7km on Sunday so I'll still get the mileage, just at different times and a half kilometre more.
Super excited for this race this weekend, because it's a relay race and I get to do it with my friend Erika and my boyfriend Kirk! The relay is 21km with teams of 3, and each person completes a 7km leg. It's called the lucky 7 relay and is 7 laps around Citadel Hill. I've heard good things about this race, apparently it's a lot of fun, and there's free breakfast after.. So it's a win-win!
Update: Heres the race recap from Lucky 7 Relay.
Happy running friends,
The Rural Runner
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