Healthy Morning Routine

Rise and Shine!
It's a new month, a new day, and as good of time as ever to get a head start toward healthy living and happiness.
The easiest way to start is by small steps. This can be as simple as getting to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal. Sleep is so important for recovery as well as your mental health. Aim for 7+ hours a night (although everyone's different for how much sleep they need to feel well rested.. I need like 8 or 9 hours haha).
One way to help you fall asleep is by disconnecting. Staring at a bright phone or laptop screen (even a tv) before bed is going to do the opposite of make you sleepy. Take a break from the phone for atleast 30 minutes before you plan to go to bed. This will help your mind to settle and your body to relax. I find reading before bed really helps me settle into a good sleep.
The next small step towards a healthier life begins after you wake up in the morning. Start your day with a nice glass of water. Fights off dehydration and sets the day off right. Our bodies are basically 1/3 water, don't deprive yourself of something we so naturally require.
Next, and this is the biggest tip I'll share today.. DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST!
I know you've heard it before, and it's 100% true - breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day.
Now I can bet some of you are saying "I don't have time in the morning to eat breakfast." Stop lying to yourself, and refer to tip one. Get to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier and have time for a healthy start to your day.
Nothing sets the tone off better for a good day like a good nutritious breakfast!
My favorite meal to start the day is a smoothie. Not only is it quick and easy to make, but it's great for your health and is fully customizable. There is so many different combinations for smoothies depending on what fresh fruit or juice you have kicking around. 
My favorite is a combination of Kale, banana, peaches, vanilla protein powder and orange juice!

Quick tip: bananas block out the taste of veggies in the smoothie.. some people just have a hard time getting past the color ;)
Other options for healthy fast breakfasts..
- oatmeal
- yogurt with granola and berries
- a banana, some nut butter and a glass of orange juice
- eggs and a piece of fruit (kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, Apple, etc.)
Easy, fast and healthy choices.
No excuses.
It's never too late to become a better you and get healthy.
We only get one body, take care of it.
The Rural Runner
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