Half Marathon Training - Week 3

Monday - this week starts out with a basic 8.05km run, an easy 6.4k and finish with the last 1.6k at a faster pace.
Tuesday - today was my first progression run, starting with 3.2k at an easy pace, then 4.8k increasing the pace as I went. The last 1.6k was cool down. I ended up doing 10km instead of 9.6 just to round it off and the run went fairly well, finishing with a time of 64 minutes. I posted about this run earlier in the week.
Someday soon I'll get my 10k to under an hour! I'm so close it's driving me nuts!
Wednesday - today's run was another 8.05km run at a steady pace. I also worked for the Remembrance Day parade today, and ended up with a couple HUGE blisters on my heels from my dress uniform. This unfortunately led to me to not being able to run for the rest of the week because I lost so much skin. Talk about sad panda :(
Thursday - today was scheduled for cross training, and I took the bike for a spin because it didn't bother my heels at all. I also posted about this workout earlier this week, and really enjoyed it so I will definitely be biking again!
Friday - another 8.05k run was scheduled for today.. That didn't get done :( stupid injuries setting me back. On the bright side.. It could be worse.. Skin heals pretty fast luckily!
Saturday - today was supposed to be my long run of the week - 16.1km. That didn't happen.. My heels were still pretty bad.. I could feel my heart beat in the blister so I figured it was best to give it some more time before pushing it or making the injury worse. Not running for 4 days takes a lot out of you mentally when you know you're supposed to be training but just can't. But.. It's always best to heal first and not risk it though. So I sucked it up and waited to run.
I did however do a workout today to make up for my lack of exercise..
3 rounds of:
- 30 triceps dips
- 30 push-ups
- 30 squats
- 40 crunches
- pull ups to failure
My upper body is still sore!
Ps new under armour pants! They're crazy comfy and kept me warm on my run Sunday.
Sunday - each week, this is my rest day. This week however, I was feeling guilty about not running for what felt like ALL week, and figured if I put some blister pads on my heels I would be okay to run.. So, to make up for the long run I missed, I did the 16.1k that had been scheduled for Saturday.
I was so happy to finally get back out there, and the weather was cooperating perfectly. My mom even came along biking beside me! We chatted the entire way and it was wonderful having someone to carry my water and snacks, hehe. I maintained a very steady pace around 6.30 km, without stopping once to walk.. Which is huge for me, considering normally whenever I hit anything past 8k I need to slow down for a minute. That's an hour and 45 minutes running without walking and I was pretty darn excited!
We did however stop for a minute when we hit the halfway point, so mom could find a bathroom and I could chow down on a vanilla flavoured Gu.
I always think it's a good idea to try out whatever you'll be using race day.. before race day. This goes for everything.. Supplementation/nutrition, sneakers, clothes.. Everything. Planning ahead and doing a run through, so you will be prepared on race day, is always a good idea.
The Gu went down easily and caused absolutely no problems with my stomach (happily surprised about that). And I actually enjoyed the flavour. The texture is a little weird.. It's thicker than pudding. And mine was a little cold because of the outside temp, so I think that made it a bit tastier. After I ate it, it wasn't like a had a huge jump in energy, but instead I was able to maintain my pace without feeling tired or having a crash, which was great. I'll definitely be continuing to use these in the future.
I also was able to practice on some obstacles while waiting for mom.. 18 days until the Miami Spartan race sprint! Must be prepared because I do not want to do any 30 burpee penalties.
Yes, I am also somewhat of a child when it come to playgrounds. Can't help myself!

Once mom returned, we were back on the trail to finish our run/bike. I know I'm still slow, but I'm so happy with my improvements so far! Even though I'm sad I wasn't able to do the entire 49.9k scheduled this week, I'm glad I didn't push it with my injury. During the long run on Sunday my blisters didn't even bother me since a had the bandages on so now I'm ready to make up for lost time!

This week coming will be my training week 4.. Things step up a notch now and I'm due for 62.8km for the week. I'll be posting later in the week about my schedule.
Until then,
Keep training friends
The Rural Runner

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