Whenever I'm training and have a set distance goal, sometimes it can be hard to hit an exact amount of km, especially if its on a trail or in a subdivision. If you're like me and have OCD, I like to have my numbers be exact.
I started using this website I found on google and thought I should share it with my fellow runners :)
Its called on the go map and I'm 80% sure google runs it (its based off google maps). What I really like about it is that you can map your trail runs in parks. Sometimes when I'm feeling zero motivation, I open up the website and plan a route. I don't know why but it always gets me excited about running!

Heres an example of a random trail I was playing with in the city..

Its also nice because you can switch between miles and kilometres (I'm pretty confused when it comes to miles sometimes?!)
Also it feels much more badass saying you ran 21.1 kilometres as opposed to 13.1 miles ;) just sayin..

In other news:
Ive officially checked in to not 1.. BUT 6!!! Spartan races! All elite heats (what have I gotten myself into?!). I decided to take the plunge last week and just buy a Eastern Canada Seasons pass. It makes sense money wise, since myself and my boyfriend Kirk are planning for so many Spartan races close to home this year.

Heres the races I've officially registered for so far,
Quebec City Sprint - June 4th
Quebec City Super - June 5th
Toronto Sprint - July 2nd
Toronto Super - July 3rd
Montreal Super - July 30th
Montreal Ultra Beast - July 31 (death by Spartan race)

I must be out of my mind, but sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy ;)

Happy running friends!
The Rural Runner
Hi there! Earlier this week during some random internet browsing, I came across a wonderful post. Reading it really made me think about all of the ways we sometimes hold ourselves back. We only get one life, and we need to take some chances and live life to the fullest, and thats what this list is all about..

Things to give up:
1. Doubting yourself
2. Negative thinking
3. Fear of failure
4. Criticizing others
5. Negative self talk
6. Procrastination
7. Fear of success
8. People pleasing

I think many of these things we all do in our daily lives without realizing it.
One of my biggest struggles is with fear of failure. Im always way too concerned with the "what if's?"
Its completely natural to have fear about some situations, but its important to overcome that feeling and take yourself out of your comfort zone. This is something I've been trying to focus on more, saying YES to life and experiencing as much as I can.

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
                                                                        - Nelson Mandela

Its a beautiful world out there, so overcome that fear and experience it!

What are some things you want to give up, in order to improve yourself?

The Rural Runner
Its been a month since my last post. Its also been a month since my last run. Sometimes life gets in the way and things happen unexpectedly. For me, I got sick in February and by the time I was well enough to run again, I had laser eye surgery. Shortly after the surgery, I moved back to my hometown and into a new apartment and a new job. A lot of big changes have been happening in my life lately, and so it just felt necessary to take a little time off training.
Now though, Im all settled into my new apartment (Only just got internet Monday.. reason for no posts, SORRY!), starting my new job tomorrow (eek so nervous!), and my eyes are for the most part healed.. Which means back into the training groove! Ive missed running like crazy and cannot wait to lace up my shoes and get back out there again.

Also exciting news..
I just added another race to my schedule! The Montana beast (12-14 miles, 30-35 obstacles) and sprint (3-5 miles, 20-23 obstacles) weekend, May 7-8! Plus, I still have the Cabot Trail Relay race coming up the end of May. Lots of big races coming up. Good thing I'm working full-time so I can afford my race addiction..
Time to revise my training plan and get to work! 
Until next time (Hopefully not a month again.. hehe)
The Rural Runner

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