Celebrating Xmas Early

This week on Tuesday (the 24th) my family got together to celebrate Christmas. We decided to do it early for a few reasons.. My mom is doing clinicals for Med school and will be gone November 25 - sometime in February, my sister and brother in law will be in Quebec for Christmas, and I'll more than likely be working. We all wrapped our presents early and got together for a wonderful evening of pizza, drinks and conversation.. Plus a little gift giving. We even had made decorations in advance.
My homemade candy cane wreath
Moms homemade decorative blok
My homemade decorative blok
Our decorative bowl that smells like cinnamon hearts, yum.
Making homemade decorations while listening to Christmas music was a lot of fun! Plus we ate a turtle cheese ball with crackers. Holidays and getting fat basically run hand in hand right?

I was over the moon with how thoughtful the gifts were, and received a gorgeous pair of black under armour leggings from my sister as well as a bright green workout shirt (she knows me so well), as well as the same pair of leggings in pink from my mom! (Great minds must think alike.. I can't wait to wear them on a run!). I also got my fave.. Bath and body works - Lotion, a candle and hand soap, you can never have too much of it :) and a chocolate orange.. Which is a tradition in our family to be included in stockings.

Also, my grandma knitted me an amazing winter hat.. Which I know all of the grandchildren look forward to receiving every year! It will definitely get plenty of use. I also got some blistex (mom knows this stuff is like crack to me) and a pair of socks (new socks are one of my favourite things!! So comfy!) and.. an adorable little Olaf ornament! I also sometimes like to close my eyes and imagine what it will be like when summer comes, Olaf ;)
Srsly Olaf is my fave, I'm gonna have to watch frozen again now.

My mom also surprised me with a pair of 2XU compression calve sleeves that I'm currently wearing as we speak.. And are ridiculously comfy! Going to take them for a test run today to see how they work. Hopefully no calf cramps or tired little leggies with these babies!
I will forever unintentionally pose like a bikini girl.
If only I could wear the shorts outside right now too. Tell that to the -10 degree weather and the snow tho.
Also.. It's hard to take selfies when you have a cat.
Thanks Sadie for ruining the picture. You're lucky you're cute cat.

As for all you Americans out there.. Happy thanksgiving!
And the rest of us Canadians.. Happy.. Thursday?
And a very (early) Merry Christmas friends,
The Rural Runner
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