Rest Day Adventures

Sometimes, to make rest day more bearable, Kirk and I go out on adventures/drives/day dates. This way, were still being active, getting outside, and having a great time!
We spent our rest day yesterday on a nice drive to Blomidon Park. Unfortunately when we went, the staircase was closed off and the tide was up so we weren't able to walk down to the beach. We did however, take some selfies!

We also made our way to Oaklawn Zoo, which is about a 30 minute drive from the apartment. We were very impressed by the amount of animals at this small local zoo, and particularly loved the monkeys. They really made me want to go practice my rig/monkey bars for OCRs, they swing so fluidly around their enclosures its fun to watch!
We saw some peacocks too and after standing close by for what felt like forever, he finally opened up his gorgeous feathers for a picture, even if I didn't get it at a very good angle haha.
So majestic to see
We loved seeing the lions, tigers, jaguars, cheetah's, etc. Did you know cheetah's can run up to 110km an hour?? No amount of training could make you fast enough to out run them.. ever. Haha.
There was also an enclosure you could walk into, and so we hung with some llamas for a bit.

I'm pretty sure I was just excited because it didn't spit on me. Meanwhiles, Kirk is like the animal whisperer haha.
A pretty great way to spend rest day!
How do you survive rest day? Do you prefer to relax? I like to stay active by walking/biking/swimming/hiking.

Happy trails,
The Rural Runner

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