I frequently get asked "what do you think about when you run for that long?!" I'm not sure what people are really expecting for an answer, it's not like I'm solving all of the worlds greatest mysteries while I'm out running for 2 hours..
After seeing a post today on Shut up and Run, I decided to share my own thoughts while running.

Today was a 16km hilly run, so you can imagine that there may be a lot of complaining.

Things I think to myself while running:
1. I literally want to do anything else but hill training right now.
2. Okay this isn't so bad actually! Except I've only been running for 2 minutes and 37 seconds.
3. I think this car is trying to play chicken with me..
4. Okay he turned. Good cause diving in a ditch isn't on the top of my to do list today
5. This isn't too bad.. And it's nice out today!
6. Speaking of nice out.. Holy hell its hot. Must take off jacket.
7. Of course I WOULD be running AGAINST the wind. And now I'm cold.
8. My spleen might just be in the process of exploding.
9. Wow this hill just keeps going doesn't it?!
10. Maybe I should walk for like 5 seconds.
11. Of course a car drives by right when I started walking.. Now I look lazy.
12. Okay running again. Oh wait.. Yup I can taste my lunch. Please don't vomit.
13. I'm gonna have some wicked calves after this!
14. Omg this is a serious uphill battle. Much like my life so far.
15. Wow what a gorgeous view! Must stop and take running selfie.
16. I hate running.
17. Finally at the top! Oh wait.. There's another hill within the hill. Damn it.
18. Well I guess my pace isn't that bad considering I'm running up a mountain of death.
19. YAY DOWNHILL TIME! I'm going so fast!!
20. My legs literally feel like bricks. I'm carrying around bricks for legs.
21. Okay.. Could you make it a little less obviously that you're staring at me...
22. Maybe he was staring at my thighs.. Like come on legs, must you jiggle THAT MUCH?!
23. I should have wore sunglasses.
24. I wonder if people drain their pools in the winter, or let it ice over?
25. Shit now my foot is wet, where did that puddle come from?
26. It smells like horse shit here.. I gotta run faster to get past this farm.
27. Only 5km left I CAN DO THIS.
28. Okay. I can't do this. I need to quit running.
29. Maybe if I drop out of my ultra no one will know..
30. Except that's embarrassing.. Must keep running!
31. Omg I just got passed by a 15 year old boy.
33. Oh thank god the light is red I can rest 
34. Well that rest lasted exactly 5 seconds.
35. Almost home, if I can survive the first 15k I can do one more kilometre!!
36. Oh thank god I'm home. Where's the food.
37. That was great when can I run again!

Oh the many emotions of a runner.
Hopefully I'm not insane and other people think similar things while running haha.

What do you think about when running?
The Rural Runner

I'm finally back to work full time (long story short.. Was on a leave of absence), and feel like I've been busier than ever!
So far, January has been jam packed with work, reading, spending time in Cape Breton and of course training runs and workouts!
Since finishing my January half marathon.. My runs seem to be few and far between.. Only reaching 62km so far for the month. I've been lacking motivation lately, as I had finished the half that I trained for since October, and then kinda thought.. "Well, what now?". So I decided a good way to kick that motivation up a notch, is by making a new goal.. 

Enter Spartan Race ULTRA BEAST!

By 26+ miles, that really means... 
"of course it's gonna be more than 26 miles.. Expect to die on the side of a mountain for atleast 27 or 28 long and gruelling miles."
Just paraphrasing here.

Having not officially registered yet.. Because the race cost the same as like.. 4 months of groceries for me (plus $40 parking? What an expensive lifestyle!).
Yup $235 is a steep price to pay to torture yourself for 12 hours.
Which, by the way, my goal is to finish in under 12 hours. Kind of because I think that's an appropriate time for my first one.. But mostly just because I don't want to be out there for absolutely any longer than 12 hours. Seriously.

**UPDATE (March) - So I Have purchased and Eastern Canada Seasons Pass for Spartan Race, and have officially committed to the Montreal Ultra Beast on July 31!**

Sure, for the typical marathoner who is doing 26 miles no problem.. 12 hours sounds INCREDIBLY SLOW! But! You must realize that we will be going UP and then down.. Then up and down again.. Then up and down AGAIN, on the side of a 2000 foot mountain, all while mixing in 50 different obstacles including monkey bars, barbed wire crawls, rope climbs, bucket/log carries.. And whatever other instruments of torture Spartan Race has up its sleeves.
SO, my point is.. 12 hours is a pretty decent time for a first ultra beast. As long as I do not miss the cut off time, I'll be a happy camper!

Next topic, what I've been up to this month!
Since finishing the half, and deciding on this big new goal.. I've been focusing a lot more on building strength for carries and monkey bars at races, and doing longer runs.
We did a nice 16km run, slow because of the ice, but a gorgeous day for it.
Afterwards we worked on some obstacles. The 8 foot walls are my arch nemesis.
Don't let the smile fool you.. Sandbag carries are harder than they look!
We also did a 10km run along the water, the snow was super deep which made the run a tad difficult. Gotta embrace the Cape Breton weather.
We also spent a couple hours snowshoeing as our cross training, a super fun way to get outside in the winter and be active!

This month I also was able to go out with my sister and friend Lee to The Middle Spoon. A local desert bar, and we stayed for lunch.. And of course cake!
I had the squash soup and chocolate cake for desert. 
Lisa and Lee shared the sweet and savoury platter in behind.
The hint of raspberry was delish!
Lisa had the peanut butter cheesecake and Lee had the lava cake (would totally get this one next time).. And yes, that says "spoon" and it's made of chocolate, too cute!

This month I've also been spending a lot of time reading..
So many books.. So little time!

This new year I had a personal resolution to read atleast one book a month, and so far it's going well. I've already read the book my sister Keshia gave me.. Girl on the Run by B. R. Myers and enjoyed that. Sometimes there's nothing better than resting the legs and getting lost in a book.

I'm currently enjoying Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson. Such a great read so far and filled with plenty of laughs, also an interesting read being a mental health nurse with the book written all about how she handles her depression/anxiety.

Next up for light casual reading is The Maze Runner by James Dashner. I've watched the movies with Kirk and loved them, so he gave me the first book in the series for Christmas! I'm looking forward to beginning this series of books (4 total I believe).

I also have a new book that I like to refer to as my bible. It's called Relentless Forward Progress: A guide to running ultramarathons by Bryon Powell. There seems to be some great advice and tips in here that I'm hoping will help me with training, nutrition, etc during my race coming up in 3 months. There's also training plans within the book, and chapters on basically ANY question a beginner ultra runner like myself might ask. I'm excited to read this book, but will need to set aside a time where I can focus fully on it, and start to develop a training plan for myself, especially now that I have an official goal for April!

The other new book I have on my to read list is actually a big vegetarian cookbook. Which is great because I can simply flip through and find something to make for dinner. This cookbook, called Meatless has vegetarian recipes that range from simple quick snacks, to homemade soup, and even full meals! The pictures inside are absolutely gorgeous and detailed, and I can't wait to give some of these recipes a test run.

So that's how my January has been so far, a busy but wonderful start to the new year!
How has your 2016 been going? Any new goals for the year?

The Rural Runner

After realizing now that I forgot to post about the 5k New Years Eve fun run I did with my boyfriend Kirk, I decided it's better late than never!
I signed us up for this free race sometime in October, which was good because it ended up selling out quickly! The race race bibs were super cute and had our 2016 New Years resolution written on them too (mine is to run my first marathon). We also got a nice hat with registration.. Which is super warm and I wear basically every outside run now.
Me and Kirk decided to dress up a little bit and wrapped ourselves in battery operated lights and wore happy new year hats! After all.. It was not timed and just a super fun event!
At the start line, we did a little countdown to new year (pretending it was actually midnight.. The race was really at like 5pm haha), and then they set off ALOT of amazing fireworks!
Everyone watching the fireworks when we started. That darn light up head band was falling off the entire time.. Worth it though!
The race was basically a little loop around the town, staying on the edge of the road or the sidewalk, with all right hand turns. There was a short part through a subdivision, which was great because people still had their Christmas lights on, and made for a more scenic run.
We weren't really pushing crazy hard, but somehow managed to PR my 5k at 26:36! It's not crazy fast.. And my goal is a sub 25min 5k. But it's not often I head out specifically for 5k fast paced runs, since I've been focusing so much more on longer distances recently, so I'm pretty excited about this!
All smiles at the finish knowing I hit a PR!
After the race there was tons of food and drinks to fill up on! Hot chocolate, timbits and subway deli sandwiches.
We're hoping to do this race again next year because it was such a blast!

After the race we headed back up to Cape Breton to go to a Celtic music concert and to celebrate together.
As much as wearing workout clothes all the time is great.. I LOVE any excuse to dress up!
We had some champagne and danced until we were sweaty, it was a great way to ring in the new year!

So.. it's a little late.. But Happy New Year!

Here are some of my running/fitness goals for 2016:
- run my first marathon (Maratime race weekend, September 16)
- complete a Spartan Race Beast (April 30, in New Jersey)
- complete the Montreal Spartan Race Ultra Beast (July 31)
- do a muscle up
- do 10 pull-ups in a row (half way there!)
- do a 50k run for my birthday
- finish top 10 elite female at a Spartan Race
- sub 25 minute 5k
- sub 2:15 half marathon

Here's to making 2016 amazing!

What are some of your goals for this new year?

The Rural Runner

Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to. Not everything can always go our ways I guess, because what fun would life be if it was always easy? (Trick question.. That would probably be great.) anyways, without the shitty things that happen, and the road blocks along the way, we wouldn't learn or gain anything. (I will explain the point to this later on.. Keep reading!)

I've been training for 3 months now for the Hypothermic Half marathon, January 17, and last week (stupidly) thought I would be working, so I convinced Kirk (well.. not really convinced cause he's always down for a gruelling/long run) anyways, I asked Kirk if he would like to do the half marathon with me a week before instead (plus were both pretty broke so saving $80 was another argument for running it early).
Either way, I was feeling pretty disappointed that I couldn't make it to the race (Ps.. I found out that I'm not actually working, opps.. We're still will not be entering though, were poor haha). So we figured we would go and run the same route we would have been taking during the race!
Luckily the entire trail was clear except for some snow half way (for about 6km). The temperature was fairly mild at only just below 0, so it was the perfect day for a long run.
We packed the camelbak, stashing Gu and shot bloks, did a quick warm up, started the tunes and our tracking watches, then we were on our way.
We maintained a pace around 6:00-6:30 The route was absolutely gorgeous and winded past multiple lakes, all while remaining completely flat. A great trail for PRs!

We hit the 10km mark at just over an hour, which was exciting because I was hoping to finish in under 2:30. However, shortly after was when my hip pain started (again, ugh) and we hit the first section of unpaved road with snow/ice. Neither of us had spikes and it slowed us down quite a bit, keeping our average pace at around 7:00/km.
We reached the turn around point and walked for the first time for a minute while we quickly ate some chocolate Gu, drank water and continued on our way (Btw, having a camelbak is a lifesaver).

Kirk was really pushing me near the end, we ran our quickest km of the entire half, at around 6:00/km.
It was so painful, I may have told Kirk he better run fast cause I was gonna catch up and kick his ass.. Haha I can't be held accountable for the things I say while run-suffering.

We finished the 21.1km at 2:33:58.
At first I was slightly disappointed that we didn't finish in under 2 and a half hours, like I'd hoped, but then I realized, there's 1 of 2 ways I can let this affect me. Either I can see it as a failure (pretty shitty way to look at it..) OR I can use this positively, and learn from it. I know more about my limits now and what kind of pace I can currently maintain for long distances, and also, I now know that I'm fully capable of emptying the tank with a couple fast kilometres toward the finish line.

You're always capable of more.

We can either take our struggles and find a positive within them, or ruin ourselves with stress over the negatives.
For this (non competitive) half marathon, I am going to look at the positives:
- even though I wasn't able to race the actual half marathon, I still ran the same distance and route anyways. After all, why put 3 months of hard work to waste?
- I got to spend 2.5 hours with my amazing boyfriend, enjoying (almost) every minute ;)
- I learned even more about my long distance running ability.
- I beat my original half marathon time by almost 30 minutes!! Yes, you read that right. A half hour PR. How can you not be happy with that? Especially since the races were less than 4 months apart. Which tells me that I've obviously made some serious improvements on my pace!
- after realizing we burned off like 1700 calories.. We went and got Izzy's bagels.. Our tradition and obsession (except for relish veggie burgers.. Can't beat it!). The Runger was real.
Overall, it was a great run with a lot of positives! Also, it added fuel to my fire and I will complete my next 21.1km run in under 2 and a half hours.
I'm coming for you next year, Hypothermic Half!
But for now, on to training for my first ultra, April 30 in New Jersey!

Stay positive friends,
The Rural Runner

Brace yourselves.. This is going to be a long post.

With the health industry being how it is now a days - an easy way for some to manipulate others in the grand scheme of making a few bucks.. It's impossible to not fall victim to the many "get thin/buff/toned/abs/healthy/whatever fast!!!" Lies.

Quick weight loss solutions do not work. How many people do you know that are stuck inside this vicious cycle? Really, think about it, I used to be, and you may be as well.
Seriously, if you want something that lasts, the only way to do it is by building a solid foundation first. 

This is true for basically everything in life.
How do you have a good relationship? By going slow and building trust.
How do you build a house that will last? By building a solid foundation.
Good things take time.

Yes it would be amazing to have your dream body overnight, but much like Rome, it can't be built in one day.
That being said, it's not going to be easy, but the best way to do it is to start slow and develop healthy habits.

Now, I'm by no means an expert, but I will share with you what has worked for me.
Keep in mind, everyone is different and everyone's body reacts in a different way, so these are just the things I found helped on my road to a healthy lifestyle.

First things first.. You have to change your mindset.
Like I said earlier, it's going to take time and patience. You cannot get upset when you don't immediately lose 10 pounds (etc.), because a healthy lifestyle is exactly that.. A LIFESTYLE. This means you will be living it forever. Not just WHAM 10 pounds down and DONE.
You must remember, you only get one body. Treat it well, fuel it right, and in return your body will reward you with feeling and looking amazing. Once you step away from the focus of the scale and "I must lose (insert weight here) by this date." Then the pounds will fall off themselves, as will the extra fat.

What most "lose weight fast!!!!" Scams forget to inform you is... Losing THAT much weight THAT fast is super UNHEALTHY! 
Not only will you gain it all back (and probably more), but the majority of what you lost was probably water weight and not fat.

Which leads me to tip number 2.. Which is also one of the most important ones..
Drink more water!
I'm talking 1.5-3 litres a day.. Every day! I guarantee 2/3 of the world is chronically dehydrated.
Have a headache? You're dehydrated.
Feel tired? You're probably dehydrated.
Cranky? Dehydrated.
Dry mouth and bright yellow pee? YUP, you're dehydrated.

If you find it hard to drink that much water everyday, start off by adding some fruit or lemon to you water.. The taste will be much better and it will make it much easier until you're used to that many litres a day.
Which leads me to my next rant:
Seriously.. Cut out the pop, you don't even need that extra sugar. And if you're one of those people sitting there saying "oh well I drink diet soda, soooo there's no sugar" I could smack you. Smarten up people, think of those nasty chemicals you're currently ingesting. 
Also would just like to put this out there.. What the heck does pop even taste like? Nothing natural that's for sure.

Next topic..
Most of us aren't getting enough. I'm talking a solid 7-8 hours. If you're thinking.. I don't have enough time to sleep that much.. Well actually you do. If you get that much sleep every night, you will be WAY more productive during the day, and way more able to complete your necessary tasks, which means you will have more time for sleep.
More sleep = more focus and productivity.
Plus sleep has many benefits.. You burn fat while sleeping, and it's like a time machine to breakfast.
Breakfast is basically the best meal ever and brings me to our next topic..
First off, go back to step one, and change your mindset. We must step away from the idea of being on a diet.
I do not diet.
Back when I was competing, I had such an intense focus on every single thing that I ever ate. It was such an unhealthy obsession with food, to the point where I would literally feel SO disappointed in myself if I even ate a bagel (for example) and would basically starve myself the next day.
I can't stress this enough, food is fuel.

I train hard and eat to fuel my body.

Calories are energy, carbs are glucose for energy and survival. And protein is the building blocks for muscle.
Another mini rant: stop. Counting. CALORIES. For the love of God people, calories ARE GOOD. Calories are the reason we walk, breathe, LIVE.
Of course you will lose weight on a 1200 calorie a day diet.. Because 1200 calories a day are recommended for a 4 year old child. You are a grown assed adult. Not a child. Eat 1800+ calories a day, even more if you're active. In fact, if you're active and burning around 6-800+ calories from activity, you should be eating 2000+ calories a day.
Trust me, calories do not make you fat.. Unless the calories are from junk. 100 calories from vegetables are completely different from 100 calories of chips.
Like I said, calories = energy. Google it if you don't believe me.
Ever wonder why when you don't eat for a while you get tired, slow, grumpy and light headed? Hm, maybe because you're not eating enough calories for energy. Okay end rant.

Moving on..
The best way to eat nutritious is to eat natural foods. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, basically anything that's one ingredient.
Think about it.. If something can last 2 years on a shelf without expiring..
How long will that food stay inside your body?

Simple foods break down so much easier and are better digested, leading to a higher absorption of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for our bodies.
Here are some of the foods I typically eat: (again, everyone is DIFFERENT, these are my personal food choices)

- peppers
- spinach, kale (BEST food EVER!), leafy greens of any kind really
- cucumber
- carrots
- celery
- sweet potato! (Basically every day.)
- zucchini (makes great shredded noodles)
- spaghetti squash (also great noodles)
- basically any vegetable.. Except broccoli.. I hate broccoli. Ha.
A salad a day keeps the diseases and obesity at bay ;)

- bananas (literally everyday)
- berries
- apples
- peaches
- any fruit.. Especially when in season.. And especially in a smoothie for breakfast everyday.

- whole grain sources..
- pasta
- quinoa, all the time
- crackers for snacks every so often with hummus or cheese
- not gonna lie I eat bagels often now. Have to make up for all that bagel deprivation from body building somehow ;)

First I must say this, I don't eat meat. Eggs and fish every so often, but animal meat makes me feel very unwell.
Listen to your body.
Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain foods. If you feel lethargic and sick, chances are your body can't handle that food. Here's what I typically include for my protein,
- chickpeas
I cook these into burger form, eat it as hummus, or basically everything and anything to do with them. So good.
- beans
Also great in burger form.. In fact, mix the chickpeas and beans together.. You won't regret it.
- nuts (especially on salads, or peanut butter form.. Just watch out for the brands that add a bunch of junk to the jar, go for whole organic peanut butter.. With one ingredient.. peanuts, DUH!)
- protein powders, I put a scoop in my breakfast smoothie (since I don't eat meat)
- cottage cheese
- eggs (every once in a while)
- fish (again, only every once in a while.. Because sushi is amazing.)

Reasons why I'm not officially "vegetarian", I chose to not eat the majority of meat because my body can't digest it.
I'll say it again, listen to your body.

"But where do you get your protein?!" Haha. Jokes.

Side note.. I cut out meat and lost 16 pounds in a month without even trying.. Obviously my body was trying to tell me something.. And was apparently holding onto ALOT of sodium and water. For me, meat = cramp and bloat city. Again, this may be different for you.

My body also cannot handle dairy products.. Lactose intolerant. However, cheese is fine for me every so often, along with Greek yogurt. (Fun fact.. Cheese has minimal lactose compared to milk.. The reason it doesn't bother my stomach as bad).
"But how do you get calcium?!" Well simple, it's in tons of vegetables anyways, and you don't see me with brittle bones, do you? Nope. (Also have weight training to thank for strong bones).

Now, back to the whole change your mind set thing.
Treat/cheat meals are not the devil.
This is a lifestyle. There are very few people I know that can maintain a strict diet every day. In order to make this work in the long term, you should treat yourself every once in a while.
In moderation though.
For example, one or two treat meals a week.
It will maintain your sanity, and help you keep on track. Trust me, one cookie or pizza for dinner once a week, isn't going to make you fat.
As long as you're not eating the entire box of cookies in one sitting..

Another important topic.. Alcohol. I'll keep this brief, moderation is key. Again, every once in a while as a treat it's fine, just don't let it ruin your progress.

Next and final topic.. Exercise.
I'm only mentioning it now because what you ingest is WAY more important.
You simply cannot out train a bad diet.
However, exercise compliments nutrition, and will help you reach your goals. They go hand in hand.

As much as I am bias about running, I know this is not possible for everyone.
So, back to tip 1 - change your mindset. If you want to maintain this lifestyle, forcing yourself to run or weight lift if you don't enjoy it.. Isn't sustainable. This is a lifestyle, and something you want to continue for the rest of your life. You can be expected to maintain something if you hate doing it everyday.

My tip here.. Find something active that you actually enjoy doing. This can be yoga, weight lifting, running, biking, walking, swimming, hiking, hell even if tennis is your thing, just get active everyday.

If it's fun for you and physically active, you're 10x more likely to keep doing it, and if your nutrition is on point, the weight will fall off. Don't listen to that friend saying "I lost weight by burning 1000 calories a day on the stair master!" Blachhh, who wants to climb stairs in a gym looking at a wall for 2 hours a day? Not me. (If that's your thing though.. All the power to you.)

Just get outside, get active, even bring a friend or family, and create a lifestyle you can maintain.

After all, being healthy is for life.

Now please remember, all of these tips are simply what works for me, take from it what you may, and hopefully it helps you in your journey to a fit and healthy life.

To summarize,
- change your mindset
- drink more water
- sleep!
- eat whole foods
- limit alcohol
- exercise
- smile!
You've got this!

The Rural Runner

Winter is officially upon us, and with winter, comes snow, ice, freezing cold temperatures and dangerous winter running.
Brace yourselves, here comes the struggle. I also call it.. "3 quarters of the year Canadian struggle."

If you're like some people, you have a wonderful dreadmill (err.. I mean treadmill) to use inside the warmth and comfort of your own home. Or if you're like me, your moms old treadmill is crammed into a corner, folded up, and inaccessible inside a garage..
So outdoor running it is.
For those of you who don't have a treadmill of your own, you feel my pain.

Let's face it, winter running SUCKS.

If you're a female runner, more than likely you've also experienced frost bitten legs and ass. You would think that genetically having more fat there would help as an insulator.. Well you are mistaken. Having huge thighs and a big ass does not help in this situation. At all.

Running in winter, there's also the slight problem that your eyelashes freeze together and snot sticks to your face. Pretty attractive if you ask me.
Another problem.. Since I seem to be pointing out all the obvious and shitty facts about winter running.. It gets dark at like frickin 4 o'clock!! For those of us with, oh, I don't know.. Full time jobs.. This can complicate things.

However if you want to be ready for running the rest of the year, you've gotta suck it up and embrace the cold.

Here's some of my tips to suck it up and run in the cold:
1. Wear your running gear to bed.. Okay this may sound stupid but it works. Those leggings are gonna feel nice and toasty warm when you wake up. And then you can't really make up excuses.. It's like ugh either I go for a run or change out of these tight pants.. Struggle.

2. Find a running buddy. Chances are 1 of you will have some motivation that day and get the other lazy bum out of bed (I'm always the lazy bum half of this scenario). Having a running partner is great for keeping accountable and getting out there in the cold. Embrace the suck together.

3. In a few months when there's no ice and snow on the trails.. Running will seem like a breeze! Seriously, I've lost at least a minute off my average pace running in snow, it's like the legs are moving but I'm not getting anywhere. Once we see the ground again, I'm gonna be faster than the frickin road runner.

4. Think of all the holiday treats you can run off.. Or of all the hot chocolate and marshmallows you can eat once home! A calorie is a calorie. And you just burnt off 800 of em running outside.

5. Seeing the looks on people's faces when they see you running in a snow storm is absolutely hilarious.

6. Let's face it.. You'll feel like crap if you don't. But once you get out there and run, it will all be worth it.

Plus, winter running sure can be beautiful sometimes!
Pros: scenic run. Cons: slipping around in the snow.
When in doubt.. Wear huge ass mittens and tons of layers! Take it from the pro. I betcha his bum wasn't even cold. Hehe.

Now get out there and kill those winter blues with a nice long run!
There's nothing better than fresh, crisp winter air.

Enjoy nature friends,
The Rural Runner

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