My New Garmin Forerunner 610

For the longest time, I've wanted a gps watch so that I can accurately track my runs without carrying around my chunky phone the entire time (seriously why are all phones basically the size of iPads now?!).
I also really wanted it to be waterproof so I could wear it in obstacle course races, black so it matches everything, and round shaped but not too chunky. Okay I'm a little picky.. Haha.

Recently, I was given a refurbished Garmin forerunner 610, which covered everything on my gps watch wish list and more! It's a tad big in size, but is practically weightless so it's not as noticeable. At first it felt awkward on my wrist because I'm used to smaller watches (aka the cheap Walmart one I wore everyday), but eventually I got used to the feel and the strap doesn't bother me at all.
Okay it looks big for my little arm.. But it's super comfy, I swear!

Using it for the first time was fairly easy and straightforward with the manual, however I found the first time I turned the gps on I had to wait for what felt like 20 minutes for it to locate a satellite and was getting worried that it wouldn't work. However, since then I haven't had any difficulties syncing, and it only takes about 60 seconds now.
The main screens are customizable which I really liked too, because I edited it to show my total distance, total time and average pace overall, plus after every km it tells me the average pace for that lap (there's tons more options than this, but this is all I like to know when I'm running). I also really like the back light at the push of a button and the long battery life (should last all week even with an hour of tracking your run every day).

I was super excited to test this baby out, so I decided to head out for some interval training on the old railway tracks.
I started off with a 1km warm up run then moved onto sprints.
The workout was intervals of 30 seconds each, at around a 3.30 minute km pace, followed by a 2 minute slower pace between 7-7.30 minute km. I completed 8 of these intervals total, and literally thought I was going to puke or faint.. One of the two.
After that I had a nice and slow run back home, for a total of 6.75km.

After the run, I posted on Instagram like I normally do, and recieved a funny offer through direct message shortly after..
I'm literally bundled up in this picture with 2 jackets and showing absolutely no boob.. How does this request even happen?? Haha. Gave me a good giggle though. Maybe someday if I ever get engaged I would do it as a gift to my fiancé.. but even then it wouldn't be for anyone else to see.
I may be poor.. But not that desperate haha.

Anyways, in other exciting news, I've completely packed for Miami (okay, I may have finished packing like 2 weeks ago, but that's besides the point).
Here's what I'm bringing to Miami
I also packed fancy clothes for going out (we're going to Liv night club!) and sports bras/shorts/running shoes for the races Saturday and Sunday.
I may have also packed an entire box of oatmeal.. Don't judge me, I said I'm poor!

Less than a week now until I'm in the sunshine and I'm getting very excited!
The races should be fun and so warm as opposed to Nova Scotia weather. Hoping to finish the 8ish km course in under an hour.. Especially considering there's no mountains like there was in the Halifax Spartan race! We will see how it goes.

Cheers friends,
The Rural Runner

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