The Best Runs

After Saturday's near death experience and what I felt was a very crappy run (okay, obviously if you almost die, it was a shitty run).. I was looking forward to getting back out there and making things right. What some might call "get back on the horse" haha, well actually more like getting back on the trail.
As I was telling my boyfriend Kirk earlier, I have a theory that every bad run always precedes a great one. He completely agrees, it's like whenever you're having what seems like the worst run ever, getting back out there for another go is the best thing you can do. It's like redemption.. So hang in there, better days are coming.

Today I went out for a 10k run, just like any other normal day, except this run felt different than Saturday's. My legs weren't tired, I felt very energized and easily maintained my pace at under 6.00/km. This alone is great news for me because only a month ago my average pace was around 7.00/km.. So huge improvements in speed!
It was a little chilly and there was some snow on the ground, but overall it was a great, clear day for a run.
I finished the run in around 58 minutes.. A new PR for me! I was so excited because last week when I PR'ed my 10k in under an hour for the first time ever.. I was struggling hard. Literally pushing it with everything I had. Where as today it felt easy and natural for me. I happened to look down at my gps watch and was like "woah really.. Was that my time!?" Seriously.. Big improvements because last week I was panting like a dying animal.
Hahaha this was me last week.
2 cat pictures in one post.. I swear I'm not a crazy cat lady..

Anyway, I was also super excited today because I finally reached one of my newest goals.. To run 160km in one month!
Oh yeah baby, finally a member of the platinum club!
It's been a busy month with a lot of training for me and I'm really noticing the improvements I've made by sticking to my training plan. This half marathon in a January should be a piece of cake!

So remember, embrace the shitty runs, because more than likely something great is coming along right after!
Cheers friends,
The Rural Runner

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