Running Sick

Happy Monday!
Okay, maybe not happy.. Mondays generally aren't that great. Especially when you're like me and you're home sick.
I'm just sitting here day dreaming of the outside and running in the sunshine again like I did on Friday..
It was a beautiful 22 degrees for my 10k run!

There will always be more sunny days, but for now health is priority and I haven't left the house in 3 days. Gotta keep the sickness contained I suppose.
I should be fine within a day or two, and then its back to work and my regular training schedule! Thank goodness because nothing makes you want to run more than not being able to.
Tomorrow is scheduled for a 11.3 km (7 mile) run, but knowing how unwell I feel now.. thats not going to happen. Maybe a short run instead. To slowly ease myself back into running with a cold.

Its super important to listen to your body and know when to dial it back during injury or illness.
Generally I follow the "below the chest rule" (for myself at least).. meaning if I'm sick with anything below the chest I'll probably run (stomach cramps, etc.), but if my head is foggy, nose running, sore throat, cough and hard time breathing (like right now) yeah.. no run for me. Resting and recovering is more important in this circumstance than running is. As much as I worry that a few days off will ruin my progress.. taking a few days off when sick will actually make things better.

Once I'm well again, heres what my training week looks like:
Monday: 6.4 km (no run today)
Tuesday: 11.3 km progression run (also probably not going to happen)
Wednesday: easy 8 km
Thursday: rest day (may switch and run this day due to missing 3 days)
Friday: 6.4 km
Saturday 16.1 km
Sunday: rest day

Yes I know the distance seems like weird numbers, its because the plan was primarily in miles, but I'm Canadian and we use the metric system not this crazy standard stuff.

Anyways, such is life. Were all human and we all get sick at some point in our lives (although I'm hoping this is only a once a year thing haha).

Also, I saw this post today and thought I should share..

Hope everyone is taking advantage of this Monday, each week its like a new fresh start! A great way to step off on the right foot for the rest of the week.
Happy Trails,
The Rural Runner

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