Keeping Active in the Winter

Today was the first day I woke up with snow on the ground.
Tomorrow will be December 1st and soon the snow will be sticking around for what feels like an eternity. Being Canadian, having to deal with terrible winter conditions is a common occurrence for me... and no, science hasn't yet discovered a way for humans to hibernate for winter.
So I guess that means we must come up for a solution to the Wintertime Blues, and keep our motivation up and running!

Nothing makes you stop dead in your tracks and question every life decision ever than waking up in the morning for a run during the winter months. Its still dark, its minus 16 degrees, and basically zero visibility, and every joint, muscle, and fibre of your being is frozen solid. You say to yourself, I can skip running today.. its too cold, or I'll start running again when I can see the ground. I'd be lying if I said I've never thought all of these at least 30 times.

So how can we kick ourselves in the butt, and still get out there and be active and have fun during the winter?
I have a couple tricks.

If you're like me and enjoy running, one of the most important winter running tips I can share are to dress appropriately. Now this might sound simple, "Oh I'll just wear a winter jacket and be warm!"
No. It doesn't work that way. Getting dressed for a winter run is a delicate and complex balance between wearing 1 layer too many and sweating like you're standing in a furnace, or not wearing enough and having your toes, fingers and nose turn blue.

Always open your door and feel the weather first. Just looking outside isn't enough, there can be very bitter winds in the winter. On extra cold winter days, make sure you have a snug breathable base layer that will help ventilate and not absorb sweat. On top, be sure to have a bit looser of sweater or jacket to trap the warm air and maintain heat close to your core. For bottoms, tights are always a good choice, and depending how cold it is I'll either wear compression socks or an extra layer of fleece lined pants.
Hats that cover your ears, and running gloves are a lifesaver as well. Some days its so cold that a balaclava might also be necessary (covers everything except your eyes).

Also very important while dressing, is shoes. Nothing can ruin a run faster than slipping and wiping out on ice. This will be my first year with spike shoes. Trail shoes perform okay on snow, but nothing compares to having the control and grip of spikes when running on ice.

 Another way to keep up with winter running, is to get a running buddy. Even if its joining a running group! Nothing motivates me more than having another person relying on me showing up. Plus its great having a partner you can talk to and complain about how cold it is with!

 If running isn't your thing, thats okay too! Just be sure to keep active during the winter doing different activities. I like to switch it up by going to the gym if the weather is super bad, going snowshoeing, putting ice skates on and going to a local rink for free skate, or even doing an outdoor workout with tires, sandbags, etc.

 Snowshoeing is a great way to explore and get some fresh air, all while staying active. Plus they're not crazy expensive if you get a basic pair.

I know exactly what its like when you're up to your armpits in snow and don't want to go outside and be active in the winter. Motivation is at an all time low, and nobody wants to leave the warm cosy house and go freeze.. or shovel.

Another thing that motivates me to get through winter and stay active, is planning a race/vacation/trip for spring. This year, I have a couple races in my sight for early spring (Hypothermic half in February!) and want to start off the race season strong. It's hard to do that without training through the tough months.

Plus when it comes down to it, remember why you chose to live in this type of climate....
 Happy trails!
The Rural Runner

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