NYE 5k Resolution Run

After realizing now that I forgot to post about the 5k New Years Eve fun run I did with my boyfriend Kirk, I decided it's better late than never!
I signed us up for this free race sometime in October, which was good because it ended up selling out quickly! The race race bibs were super cute and had our 2016 New Years resolution written on them too (mine is to run my first marathon). We also got a nice hat with registration.. Which is super warm and I wear basically every outside run now.
Me and Kirk decided to dress up a little bit and wrapped ourselves in battery operated lights and wore happy new year hats! After all.. It was not timed and just a super fun event!
At the start line, we did a little countdown to new year (pretending it was actually midnight.. The race was really at like 5pm haha), and then they set off ALOT of amazing fireworks!
Everyone watching the fireworks when we started. That darn light up head band was falling off the entire time.. Worth it though!
The race was basically a little loop around the town, staying on the edge of the road or the sidewalk, with all right hand turns. There was a short part through a subdivision, which was great because people still had their Christmas lights on, and made for a more scenic run.
We weren't really pushing crazy hard, but somehow managed to PR my 5k at 26:36! It's not crazy fast.. And my goal is a sub 25min 5k. But it's not often I head out specifically for 5k fast paced runs, since I've been focusing so much more on longer distances recently, so I'm pretty excited about this!
All smiles at the finish knowing I hit a PR!
After the race there was tons of food and drinks to fill up on! Hot chocolate, timbits and subway deli sandwiches.
We're hoping to do this race again next year because it was such a blast!

After the race we headed back up to Cape Breton to go to a Celtic music concert and to celebrate together.
As much as wearing workout clothes all the time is great.. I LOVE any excuse to dress up!
We had some champagne and danced until we were sweaty, it was a great way to ring in the new year!

So.. it's a little late.. But Happy New Year!

Here are some of my running/fitness goals for 2016:
- run my first marathon (Maratime race weekend, September 16)
- complete a Spartan Race Beast (April 30, in New Jersey)
- complete the Montreal Spartan Race Ultra Beast (July 31)
- do a muscle up
- do 10 pull-ups in a row (half way there!)
- do a 50k run for my birthday
- finish top 10 elite female at a Spartan Race
- sub 25 minute 5k
- sub 2:15 half marathon

Here's to making 2016 amazing!

What are some of your goals for this new year?

The Rural Runner

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1 comment:

  1. I'm larger on my bottom and I'm at a heavy weight for me, 185 right now. I found this workout clothing for the first time at TJ Maxx and my hunt for more ended here. I am very pleased and will buy more!
