Christmas vacation

The past week I've been spending time with Kirk and his family in Cape Breton. There's no better way to spend the holidays than with family. I baked some vegan cookies before I left to bring with me, since I hate showing up empty handed if I'm staying for a bit.
I found an awesome vegan eggnog spice cookie recipe and decided to give it a try. Original recipe here. I love it when websites offer vegetarian alternatives!
They didn't spread out as well as I thought.. Opps. Had to flatten them with a fork.
Kinda look like timbits, YUM!
The finished product was a hit!
I stayed with Kirk and his family for a few days and had an amazing time as always. I love Cape Breton and plan on living there eventually.
Of course while I was visiting, Kirk and myself went for a couple runs.
Our first run was 8km on the Ceildh Trail. It's old an old train track trail that runs for hundreds of kilometres along the Western Coast of Cape Breton that's well maintained and (for the most part) sheltered by trees. It's also pretty flat, so it made for a good run.
Zoom, zoom!
Of course we also found some obstacles to play on.
Some day, I plan to climb across this entire thing.. Ninja warrior training!

The next day we did a quick 5k up the mountain and back down, which really made me realize how much I need to start adding hill training to my workouts!
It was a much more difficult trail than I normally train on.. With a couple technical climbs and some rivers to cross. We go until we reach a hunters cabin hidden in the woods, then turn around as our half way point.
It was a great week away and I love spending it with Kirk and his family.
This week we're planning on spending time in the valley with my family over Christmas, and fitting in our long run tomorrow on Xmas eve! My longest distance ever - 24 km (cause we're all festive and shit). Stay tuned for a recap.
Merry Christmas friends,
The Rural Runner

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