Cabot Trail Relay Race Recap

Where to begin?! Brace yourselves for a lengthy post, a 24 hours race means a long recap. But before I can begin talking about my experience, I will provide an explanation of how the race works as best as I can. The Cabot Trail Relay. A 276km, 24 hour, 17 leg relay through the ...

How Ultra Training is going

One of the best parts of the summer is the fact that the sun doesn't go down until about 9 at night. This could not be more perfect for people like me who work long 12 hour shifts, evenings, nights, weekends, holidays, etc. It's nice getting off work at 7pm and still having enough ...

I must be f-ing crazy

I plan my route before hand, carefully calculating distance, potential hills, and trying to avoid busy roads where drivers can be reckless and fast. I lounge around on the couch, attempting to delay as much as possible the inevitable long run that I have now planned and am required ...

Rest Day Adventures

Sometimes, to make rest day more bearable, Kirk and I go out on adventures/drives/day dates. This way, were still being active, getting outside, and having a great time! We spent our rest day yesterday on a nice drive to Blomidon Park. Unfortunately when we went, the staircase was ...

Fredericton Half Marathon Race Recap

Now that I'm home and have spent my Monday resting muscles and joints, I figured it was a good time to share my race recap from the weekend. Kirk and myself packed our bags Saturday morning with multiple running outfit options (never know what weather will be like come race day!), ...

May Goals

This month, I had decided to again review and rewrite my goals. We're officially 5 months into the year (where is the time going?) and I decided it was a great time to add some new goals in. This month, I've decided to try to explore more of Nova Scotia, since I've lived here my ...

Run Our Shore Race Recap

This past weekend, my sister Lisa and myself decided last minute to go to Liverpool for the first race of the year - Run Our Shore on April 30th. Liverpool is a cute little town in Queens County, located on my favourite area of Nova Scotia (besides Cape Breton Highlands), the South ...

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