Things I think while running

I frequently get asked "what do you think about when you run for that long?!" I'm not sure what people are really expecting for an answer, it's not like I'm solving all of the worlds greatest mysteries while I'm out running for 2 hours..
After seeing a post today on Shut up and Run, I decided to share my own thoughts while running.

Today was a 16km hilly run, so you can imagine that there may be a lot of complaining.

Things I think to myself while running:
1. I literally want to do anything else but hill training right now.
2. Okay this isn't so bad actually! Except I've only been running for 2 minutes and 37 seconds.
3. I think this car is trying to play chicken with me..
4. Okay he turned. Good cause diving in a ditch isn't on the top of my to do list today
5. This isn't too bad.. And it's nice out today!
6. Speaking of nice out.. Holy hell its hot. Must take off jacket.
7. Of course I WOULD be running AGAINST the wind. And now I'm cold.
8. My spleen might just be in the process of exploding.
9. Wow this hill just keeps going doesn't it?!
10. Maybe I should walk for like 5 seconds.
11. Of course a car drives by right when I started walking.. Now I look lazy.
12. Okay running again. Oh wait.. Yup I can taste my lunch. Please don't vomit.
13. I'm gonna have some wicked calves after this!
14. Omg this is a serious uphill battle. Much like my life so far.
15. Wow what a gorgeous view! Must stop and take running selfie.
16. I hate running.
17. Finally at the top! Oh wait.. There's another hill within the hill. Damn it.
18. Well I guess my pace isn't that bad considering I'm running up a mountain of death.
19. YAY DOWNHILL TIME! I'm going so fast!!
20. My legs literally feel like bricks. I'm carrying around bricks for legs.
21. Okay.. Could you make it a little less obviously that you're staring at me...
22. Maybe he was staring at my thighs.. Like come on legs, must you jiggle THAT MUCH?!
23. I should have wore sunglasses.
24. I wonder if people drain their pools in the winter, or let it ice over?
25. Shit now my foot is wet, where did that puddle come from?
26. It smells like horse shit here.. I gotta run faster to get past this farm.
27. Only 5km left I CAN DO THIS.
28. Okay. I can't do this. I need to quit running.
29. Maybe if I drop out of my ultra no one will know..
30. Except that's embarrassing.. Must keep running!
31. Omg I just got passed by a 15 year old boy.
33. Oh thank god the light is red I can rest 
34. Well that rest lasted exactly 5 seconds.
35. Almost home, if I can survive the first 15k I can do one more kilometre!!
36. Oh thank god I'm home. Where's the food.
37. That was great when can I run again!

Oh the many emotions of a runner.
Hopefully I'm not insane and other people think similar things while running haha.

What do you think about when running?
The Rural Runner

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