Things I think while running

I frequently get asked "what do you think about when you run for that long?!" I'm not sure what people are really expecting for an answer, it's not like I'm solving all of the worlds greatest mysteries while I'm out running for 2 hours.. After seeing a post today on Shut up and ...

New Goals and What I've Been Up To

I'm finally back to work full time (long story short.. Was on a leave of absence), and feel like I've been busier than ever! So far, January has been jam packed with work, reading, spending time in Cape Breton and of course training runs and workouts! Since finishing my January ...

NYE 5k Resolution Run

After realizing now that I forgot to post about the 5k New Years Eve fun run I did with my boyfriend Kirk, I decided it's better late than never! I signed us up for this free race sometime in October, which was good because it ended up selling out quickly! The race race bibs ...

When plans crash and burn

Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to. Not everything can always go our ways I guess, because what fun would life be if it was always easy? (Trick question.. That would probably be great.) anyways, without the shitty things that happen, and the road blocks ...

How to lose weight the healthy way

Brace yourselves.. This is going to be a long post. With the health industry being how it is now a days - an easy way for some to manipulate others in the grand scheme of making a few bucks.. It's impossible to not fall victim to the many "get thin/buff/toned/abs/healthy/whatever ...

Winter blues

Winter is officially upon us, and with winter, comes snow, ice, freezing cold temperatures and dangerous winter running.Brace yourselves, here comes the struggle. I also call it.. "3 quarters of the year Canadian struggle."If you're like some people, you have a wonderful dreadmill ...

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