The Best Runs

After Saturday's near death experience and what I felt was a very crappy run (okay, obviously if you almost die, it was a shitty run).. I was looking forward to getting back out there and making things right. What some might call "get back on the horse" haha, well actually more ...

Almost Died Running

Yesterday I was due for my long run of the week (these always seem to fall on a Saturday). The run was scheduled for 19.3km. This is the same run as last weekend, except this one was intended to be a time trial to estimate my finish time for the half marathon coming up in January. ...

My New Garmin Forerunner 610

For the longest time, I've wanted a gps watch so that I can accurately track my runs without carrying around my chunky phone the entire time (seriously why are all phones basically the size of iPads now?!). I also really wanted it to be waterproof so I could wear it in obstacle ...

Celebrating Xmas Early

This week on Tuesday (the 24th) my family got together to celebrate Christmas. We decided to do it early for a few reasons.. My mom is doing clinicals for Med school and will be gone November 25 - sometime in February, my sister and brother in law will be in Quebec for Christmas, ...

Long Training Runs and Man Buns

This past weekend, I had my longest run so far during training. On Saturday I was due to run 19.3km. This is the furthest I've ever run besides my first half marathon in October. As some of you may know, due to injury, I was unable to train for this at all, but ran it anyways. This ...

Bike Rides and Burpees

This week was pretty busy for me, I spent the evening on Wednesday out for a bike ride with my momma! Was supposed to run, but skipped out to do this instead! We biked for about an hour and it was a great workout. Biking is so fun because you can go super fast without realizing ...

Reaching Goals

I've always loved the saying, "if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough." I believe this to be very true in life, whether it comes to employment, relationships, fitness, travel.. Anything. For me setting goals is highly important and something review and revise frequently. ...

Half Marathon Training - Week 3

Monday - this week starts out with a basic 8.05km run, an easy 6.4k and finish with the last 1.6k at a faster pace. Tuesday - today was my first progression run, starting with 3.2k at an easy pace, then 4.8k increasing the pace as I went. The last 1.6k was cool down. I ended up ...

Things I learned while biking

Yesterday, for my cross training day, I decided to borrow my moms bike and hit the trails. It's been a couple years since I've been on any form of a bicycle, besides a stationary one, so let's be honest, I was kinda nervous... And apparently excited, as you can see in this picture ...

The easiest ice cream you'll ever make!

Recently I discovered a post on Pinterest for 1 ingredient ice cream.. All it called for was bananas! Being a lover of all things banana, and simple recipes, I decided to give it a try! Similar to banana bread, it works best if you let the bananas get very ripe! The riper the banana, ...

Becoming Vegetarian and My Busy week

Sunday: Sunday evening, Kirk and I made a dish I found on one ingredient chef, the author, Andrew, creates generally easy to make vegan recipes which all start off with basic whole ingredients. I love his blog and decided to give a coconut sweet potatoe curry a go (original recipe ...

Lucky 7 Relay Race

Yesterday my boyfriend Kirk drove from Cape Breton to meet me early in Halifax. We spent the morning wandering around a craft fair and shopping for Xmas presents, then headed downtown in the evening to find our race host hotel. After checking in, we found the race kit pick up area ...

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