Fall Fitness Fashion

Recently, the temperature has been dropping, and the winds have been strong. Running in the wind can not only have an effect on your time, but also can cause a significant core body temperature decrease, especially with the crisp fall air. It's important to layer up so if you are ...

Half Marathon Training Plan - Week 1

After officially deciding to run the hypothermic half marathon coming up in January, I realized it was probably in my best interest to start a training plan, instead of just winging it. Normally I don't have a plan for my runs until like an hour before when I say to myself something ...

On Setting Goals

We've all been there, in a rut, unsure where to go or how to move forward. Sometimes just the motivation needed is goal setting. Having something important to you as a goal to work toward is a great way to push yourself to get shit done. Constantly writing down or seeing your goals ...

Fall Farm Fun

Fall is my favourite time of year. The leaves change colour, the air is crisp and fresh and it's the ideal temperature. Going for runs isn't uncomfortably sweaty or freezing cold and wearing layers and scarves is back in. Not only that, but it's this perfect time of year for ...

The Injured Runner

We've all been there.. Thinking we could run for thousands of kilometres without a single scrape. Some of us are lucky and never have to deal with it.. And for others.. Well, shit happens. Injuries happen. The running blues happen. It seems like whenever you're not able to run, ...

How to Dress for Fall Trail Running

When I go for a run, there are a few things I take into consideration when deciding what to wear (I know right, typical woman figuring out an outfit first haha). In all seriousness, there are important things to think about before stepping out that door. Here are my thoughts, ...

Running: cheaper than therapy

Recently, I found out some bad news that's flip my world upside down. Feeling hopeless and devastated, I felt like the healthiest way to clear my head in this situation was to go for a run. Sometimes when you're upset or stressed out, nothing feels better than your feet pounding ...

Valley Harvest Half Marathon

Last weekend I had the opportunity to run my first half marathon through the rolling farm hills of rural Nova Scotia. I've been running for quite a while now and have had the Valley Harvest Fest half on my bucket list for a few years. However due to different circumstances each ...

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