Whats in my fridge?

Recently I've been hearing a lot of the typical talk "its too expensive to eat healthy" and in the interest of proving this huge myth wrong, I have decided to share with you all whats in my fridge! I shop for the most part at a local farmers market just a kilometre down the road. *Side ...

Running Sick

Happy Monday! Okay, maybe not happy.. Mondays generally aren't that great. Especially when you're like me and you're home sick. I'm just sitting here day dreaming of the outside and running in the sunshine again like I did on Friday.. It was a beautiful 22 degrees for my 10k ...

Happy Earth Day

Hello everyone! Today is April 22nd, which means its Earth Day! (Which some of you may have noticed by the gorgeous google doodle today). So I just wanted to remind everyone to treat the earth well. We only get one earth to live on. Today I challenge you to do something to improve ...

Forcing Yourself out the Door

Starting is always the hardest part. There have been so many times where I've been sitting on the couch thinking about how I should go for a run, but then come up with every excuse possible as to why I shouldn't.  Sometimes just simply lacing up your sneakers and getting ...

Long Run Essentials

Long training runs are quite different from races. You're (generally) alone, no aid stations, no ports-potties, etc. This can be dangerous if your route is on a trail in the middle of the woods, or if you're like me and live in the middle of nowheres. 25 km run, gotta be prepared! So... ...

Social Media

Recently I've spent some time recreating the looks of my blog, although it will forever be a work in progress, I'm happy with some of the recent changes! Hopefully the layout is easy to follow and the links are convenient to previous posts :) If somethings not working, let me know. Also, recently I changed my instagram to officially be the rural runner! So check me out on instagram for pretty running posts. I also ...

Easy Cauliflower Buffalo Wings

Tonight my boyfriend and I were stuck for ideas for supper. We had a head of cauliflower sitting in the fridge that needed to be used, and remembered that recently his cousin had sent him a link for cauliflower that apparently tastes just like buffalo wings! We thought.. now that's ...

Healthy Morning Routine

Rise and Shine! It's a new month, a new day, and as good of time as ever to get a head start toward healthy living and happiness. The easiest way to start is by small steps. This can be as simple as getting to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal. Sleep is so important for recovery ...

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