Route Planning & Race Registration

Whenever I'm training and have a set distance goal, sometimes it can be hard to hit an exact amount of km, especially if its on a trail or in a subdivision. If you're like me and have OCD, I like to have my numbers be exact. I started using this website I found on google and thought ...

A little Motivation for your Monday

Hi there! Earlier this week during some random internet browsing, I came across a wonderful post. Reading it really made me think about all of the ways we sometimes hold ourselves back. We only get one life, and we need to take some chances and live life to the fullest, and thats ...


HI! Its been a month since my last post. Its also been a month since my last run. Sometimes life gets in the way and things happen unexpectedly. For me, I got sick in February and by the time I was well enough to run again, I had laser eye surgery. Shortly after the surgery, I moved ...

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