Recently I ordered a pair of Icebug Spirit4 spikes online (its always a risk when you order stuff online and can't try them on! I chose Icebug, mostly because they were on sale, but also because I heard great things and needed to invest in a pair of good winter running shoes. Pros: - ...
Today was the first day I woke up with snow on the ground. Tomorrow will be December 1st and soon the snow will be sticking around for what feels like an eternity. Being Canadian, having to deal with terrible winter conditions is a common occurrence for me... and no, science hasn't ...
As we say goodbye to October, we begin to leave behind Halloween and beginning of fall excitement. It starts to be weird running in a costume.. But, it's November! Fall is in full swing and the days are still getting shorter. Before we know it, the weather will be cold, frost ...
Five Fall Faves
Fall is officially upon us. One of my favourite seasons, theres nothing better than taking walks in the brisk air to catch the fall leaves changing colour, or sit on the couch with a cozy sweater, book and cup of tea. Plus theres Thanksgiving and Halloween to look ...
Thoughts During Hot Yoga
This past year, I've been super into hot yoga, as the town I moved to has an adorable little spot called The Yoga Barn. The majority of classes are either Hot Power Vinyasa, or Warm Yin Yoga. So depending on whether or not you want a solid sweatfest of a workout, or a peaceful relaxing ...
The end of June I travelled to Toronto for the first time. Kirk and I arrived at the airport on the 30th and got picked up by his sister at the airport. We would be staying at her house for the week (thankfully, because there was no way we could afford a hotel). Once we settled ...
We set out on Thursday, June 23 in the morning after my night shift, to drive the 4 hours to Cape Breton. We already had to head up this weekend so Kirk could write his electrical redseal exam anyways, so last minute I decided to join my friends Hannah and Lee to run the tri the ...